Class Descriptions

NM Water Law in Crisis – What Water? What Law?

December 17, 2013    1:30 to 4:40 p.m.

UNM Law School  – Live presentation by Peter White and Victor Marshall
3 general credit hours

1.  WHAT WATER?  1:30 – 2:45  [ 75 minutes ]

  •  The drought on the Rio Grande and the Pecos River.
  • The drought on the San Juan River (in detail)
  • Geography of the San Juan/Colorado River system
  • The Colorado River Compacts overestimated the water supply.
  • The Colorado River Water Supply and Demand Study by the Bureau of Reclamation: the droughts will get worse.
  • Endangered fish on the San Juan: Beware of the Razorback Sucker – It’s 100 times bigger than the silvery minnow.
  • How the San Juan shortage affects the Rio Grande via the San Juan – Chama project.
  • Questions.

2.  WHAT LAW?   2:45 – 3:40  [ 55 minutes with 10 minute break ]

Does New Mexico actually have a water law system?  Not really.

  • The doctrine of prior appropriation: Maybe someday it will be enforced.
  • Active Water Rights Management: Will AWRM make things better or worse?
  • What should the State Engineer do?
  • Water courts: underfunded.
  • Adjudicating the rivers:  Will it take forever?  How much will it cost?

3.  SOLUTIONS: WATER LAW REFORMS.   3:40 – 4:40  [ 60 minutes ]

Water laws that have been enforced in name only, or completely forgotten.

What to do with AWRM ?

Water Courts:  how to establish them and fund them.

Questions and discussion.